All the beds were topped with 1 - 2 inches of pea gravel. Weeds and over ground shrubs everywhere the eye could see
The gravel was removed from all beds. This paves the way for any future planting ideas. And provides a much easier bed to maintain weed free
Struggling or dead shrubs were removed for a more maintained look
Mature woody plants were saved pruned and reused
Client was excited about the new pool area. Just needed some TLC
The flower beds were left unchecked for years
Previous owners had let the property overgrow
Pea gravel removed
Weeding of all beds
There are good plants in this mess
Removing all weeds from beds
The beds were overgrown with weeds and other undesirables
Each bed was cleaned inch by inch. Good plants were pruned and remained
Weeds had to be pulled in order to see the other plant material
Note the pruning on the Japanese Andromeda and Rhododendron. They were pruned to show their trunks.
The trunks on shrubs thicken up over time. This provides a canvas to show a plants age and maturity. Pruning to expose trunks brings this to the foreground for everyone to enjoy
Weed control continued
Pea gravel removed and ready for mulch
Weeds Addressed
Pictured bottom left: At first glance it seems to be a healthy ground cover. The left side is a blooming ground cover
Pictured bottom left: The right side of the bed is an invasive nasty weed that was sprayed first to kill the roots. Then removed for an immediate fix
Weeds under plants and growing through plants get hand pulled
While weeds in open bed areas sprayed using a non-selective herbicide
This non selective herbicide is perfect for the job
The chemical breaks itself down in about an hour
No harm is done to the environment or ground water
At first glance it seems to be a healthy ground cover.
Pruning the home back into shape
Unmaintained growth leads to this
Shrubs were blocking walk ways. They were next to be addressed to provide a workable backyard pool area
Same tree, different angles of the camera
Note the finished prune. Nothing touching the pool house. All branches were cut off the walkways to allow easier passage
No crossing branches left behind
Walkway blocked
Walkway open
Finish Prune
Framing in the pool patio with a seat wall and pillars
Working the base perfectly level
Retaining Wall Construction
A seat wall was used to frame in the pool patio
Everything is glued so it can't be kicked or knocked out of place
The base material is placed 6 - 8 inches in the ground. This provides a stable base material for the blocks to rest upon
The base is worked and tamped till its perfectly level
The base then allows water to pass right through without disturbing the blocks that are placed on top
Pillars were constructed to farm in the concrete stairs
A hose was run through the middle of the pillars. This allows for future expansion if desired. The hose acts as tunnel to run wires though for lighting of pillars later
You can see the hose in the picture below. Its buried at the end of the project
Base Preparations
Pillar Construction
Block Built to Last
Mulch installed
Workable flower beds allows for future planting
2 - 3 inches thick double shredded mulch is placed in all the remaining open bed areas.
This provides a natural clean look that is not only easy on the eyes
Mulch creates a barrier that is very tough for weeds to get through
Weeding flower beds is easier after mulch is installed